Blog strip

Blog strip

Thursday, May 13, 2010

P Family

What a beautiful, delightful family! I have not had the priviledge of photographing three young girls before, and I enjoyed this session so very much. I was told more than once that our sweet little two year-old "does not like to smile for the camera". Well, she proved everyone wrong and was one of the best behaved two-year-olds I have ever worked with. In fact, from their wonderful clothing choices to their precious personalities, I had tons of fun with this family! M, enjoy the sneak peek and your final proofs will be ready very soon!

Time Flies

Wow, I cannot believe how long it's been since I last posted. The holidays were fast and furious and somehow it is May. My family has been crazy busy with school, flag football, soccer, work and lots of fun. We enjoyed some wonderful ski trips this winter with dear friends and my husband was able to record his first year of double-digit ski days - pretty amazing considering we live 1000 miles from ski slopes. The school year is quickly coming to an end and next year I will be the mom of two big 3rd grade boys and my baby girl will be going to 2nd grade (how did that happen?). This summer we are looking forward to hanging out by the pool and spending a few weeks in the cool mountain air. We are blessed by our health and our dear families and friends.

The new year also brought new work for me. I did two commercial shoots which were both a lot of fun and different for me. I was also recently the event photographer for our Foundation fundraiser auction. We have a wonderful community and school district, I was happy to be part of this event.

So, I'm now working on spring portraits and booking seniors. It's never too early for senior pictures, and it's not too late if you have a senior graduating this year - call me, I'll fit you in!

Check back, I've got some great portrait sessions to blog about!